Golden Payer 2015


PBS Connect Polska sp. z o.o. has been the prizewinner of The Golden Payer 2015 Poll, organized by Euler Hermes Collections, the leader in payables management. The Golden Payer 2015 is a prestigious distinction granted to companies that maintain the highest standard of payment discipline and meet all the following criteria.

Official certificate: here

  • PMI above 80 points ***
  • Rating above CCC
  • Absence of any active collections

Only 5% of companies in the Polish market meet these requirements, which means that the Golden Payer 2015 Certificate is an elite award for business integrity.

All the prizewinners of the Golden Payer 2015 Poll received:

  • A certificate in the form of a wall plate as well as in the pdf format
  • Banners for their website
  • Email footnotes
  • Possibility to inform by email (in the form of a personalized movie) their business partners and contractors who cooperate with the Poll Participant about receiving the Certificate

If you ever come across those mentioned above, you will be sure that your contractor is a leader of the highest Paying Morality Index in 2015. The winners were selected on the basis of data from the Euler Hermes Collections Program of Analysis of Receivables which provides reliable data with regard to the current situation of contractors, branch and market.

More information on The Golden Payer 2015 you will find on:

tel: 22 363 63 00

PBS Connect Polska sp. z o.o. obtained the average PMI at 94 in 2015.

*Payment Morality Index (PMI) varies between 0 and 100, which means:

80 – 100 Co-operation recommended, reliable partner, delay in payments practically do not occur
60 – 80   Co-operation recommended, although there is a possibility of minor delays in payments (on average, up to 20 days after the date of payment).
40 – 60  Monitor accounts receivables, as there is a high risk of potential delays (on average up to 40 days after the day of payment).
20 – 40  Monitor accounts receivables, get additional security, increased liquidity risk of the contractor (possible delays up to 2 months after the date of payment).
 0 – 20  High risk, we suggest cash settlement
 Lack of information needed to calculate PMI

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